The Arcadia Project is a three-year project funded by a generous grant from the Arcadia Fund to explore the role of academic libraries in a digital age. A major part of the project is a Fellowship Program which brings interesting people to Cambridge to work on aspects of this very broad subject. We have a project website which serves as the hub for our more formal activities. This blog is an informal space for exchanging ideas, contacts and sources.
Say Hi at Computers in Libraries 2025!
[image: Say Hi at Computers in Libraries 2025!]
I’m speaking at Computers in Libraries 2025, and I’d love to say Hi!
Computers in Libraries 2025 is being ...
AI and rabbits
For my upcoming keynote at the Education after the algorithm: Co-designing
critical and creative futures symposium in Dublin, I am exploring metaphors
Living Documents, Personal Software
Via Simon Willison, who regularly surfaces nuggets from Hacker News into
his own feeds, a flexible spreadsheet UI that offers “ambiguous” or
alternative va...
Missing Mike Shatzkin
Mike Shatzkin who passed away last week was a friend of mine. Mike was a
walking encyclopedia of the publishing industry and if he didn’t recall